Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Tourism Development and Planning
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Exam 3 Hours   100%
Supplementary Exam 3 Hours   100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. ​Define the concept of development in tourism within a global context.

2. Evaluate the motivations for tourism development.

3. Analyse tourism development processes.

4. Evaluate the need for strategic planning for tourism at local, regional and national scales.

5.Demonstrate the importance of evidence-based planning.

6. Analyse the implementation of tourism strategies in practice.​

Brief description

For professionals engaged in the tourism and recreation industries, decision making at local and larger spatial scales takes place against a background of strategic planning. This module examines the concept of international development. The module critically examines tourism’s contribution to development goals and objectives. The module covers the components of strategic planning, and the techniques and tools available to the tourism planner.


Introduction to international development, MDGs and SDGs

Concepts of development in tourism with a global context

Motivations for tourism development

Tourism development processes

History of tourism and recreation planning

The planning context

Politics and planning

Tourism networks

The planning process

Tourism strategies and their development

Policy audits

Establishing demand and supply

Carrying capacity

Beyond growth

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication Students will be expected to communicate in writing in the examination.
Improving own Learning and Performance Preparation for the examinations will be under time constraint, and students will need to plan their time accordingly.
Information Technology Students will need to access and use electronic library resources in conducting research on the case studies for the examination.
Personal Development and Career planning The module will include a site visit to a visitor attraction, giving students an insight into careers in that particular sector of the industry.
Problem solving
Research skills The examination will be based on a pre-released case study, which candidates will be given prior to the examination taking place. Candidates will be expected to collect, digest and process both this case study information and other information acquired through personal research during the time allotted.
Subject Specific Skills Subject-specific learning outcomes (see above).
Team work


This module is at CQFW Level 6