Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Emotional and Social Development
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Essay  2400 Words  60%
Semester Exam Poster (A3) and oral defence  10 Minutes  40%
Supplementary Assessment Poster (A3) and defence  Oral defence will be either in person or online. 10 Minutes  40%
Supplementary Assessment Essay  2400 Words  60%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key principles of social and emotional development and the impact on learning

Understand the link between social and emotional wellbeing and mental health in early childhood

Identify key indicators of social and emotional development and use them to support children’s future learning, mental health and wellbeing.

Brief description

Children’s social and emotional development impacts upon their learning. A sense of identity, belonging and confidence are the key indicators in developing happy and healthy learners. Early years’ practitioners need to be able to support children’s social and emotional learning and implement pedagogical methods to build on children’s strengths and interests. This module will demonstrate the importance of social and emotional development on learning and how practitioners can build methods of support into their practices.


Lectures and seminars will be based on the following:

1. Supporting physical, cognitive, social and emotional development I
2. Supporting physical, cognitive, social and emotional development II
3. Mental Health
4. Milestones, risk factors and strategies
5. Assessing social and emotional development
6. Effective collection of data
7. Monitoring and evaluating provision
8. Positive relationships
9. The environment
10. Partnerships

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Occasional descriptive statistics in lectures and sources.
Communication Communication techniques are a vital element throughout lectures and seminars. Spoken communication throughout seminar activities. Written communication throughout written assessments.
Improving own Learning and Performance Feedback from the written assignment and personal reflection during seminar tasks
Information Technology Written assignments will be word-processed and students will be using ICT to research
Personal Development and Career planning Students will be encouraged to reflect upon and evaluate their skills
Problem solving An essential element in the process of critical assessment
Research skills Research is required for the main assessments and will be for the seminar tasks.
Subject Specific Skills Students will be challenged and encouraged to develop a range of professional skills
Team work Team work, in form of key professional behaviors and interdisciplinary working procedures, will be an important skill that will be developed throughout


This module is at CQFW Level 6