Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Managerial Report
Academic Year
Semester 3 (Dissertation)
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Main Research Project  8000 Words  70%
Semester Assessment Presentation  15 Minutes  20%
Semester Assessment Project Proposal  Students must provide a well written and thought out proposal that accurately describes the company, organisation or institutional problem, and propose an overall project aim and a series of objectives in which they would provide an overview of the work that they will undertake. 1500 Words  10%
Supplementary Assessment Reserach Proposal  1500 Words  10%
Supplementary Assessment Research Project Report  8000 Words  70%
Supplementary Assessment Presentation  15 Minutes  20%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

* Identify a suitable topic for research on a specific company /organisation/institution or management-related issue or problem

* Plan, organise and manage an extensive research project on the chosen topic under the guidance of the module co-ordinator and/or supervisor

* Make use of library and electronic resources to identify literature and locate data

* Synthesize and critically appraise a body of academic and professional literature

* Apply appropriate analytical, statistical, IT, writing and other research skills in order to present relevant theoretical and/or empirical evidence on the chosen topic

* Compile, edit, and present a substantial research report in a form consistent with the typical 'management report' format employed in business and industry

Brief description

The Report offers the opportunity for students to demonstrate investigative and research skills that are taught during the contact sessions of the module. The separate components include a Strategic Analysis to scope the chosen subject area and supervised research into real-world organizations.
The Report will provide some description of, for instance, financial data and product-market strategy. Examiners will seek to specifically award grades to students that address the following:

  • Critical analysis of an organisation, market or sector
  • Demonstrate the use of tools, techniques, frameworks and analytical approaches to diagnose the company /organisational/institutional situation
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of 'time' illustrating the dynamic elements involved in strategic and organizational evolution (students are strongly recommended to consider the longitudinal issues over time rather than purely adopt a static view point of the issues today).
  • Use appropriate referencing (both managerial and academic sources) so as to anchor analyses to literature, rather than make the project self-opinion-based.
  • Students should appreciate that this assignment is deliberately broad. There is no definitive structure and the scope given in the brief above is designed as integral to the assessment process. This latitude provides an opportunity for students to compile the most incisive report that analyses the company/organizational/institutional situation. An implicit part of the assessment is that students devise the structure that they feel is most appropriate to their critical analysis.


Understanding the following topics will help the student to conduct their research:

1. Introduction to research in Business and Management
2. Formulating research questions and hypotheses/defining research scope
3. Managerial Reports: Structure & Outline
4. Writing introduction & literature review for dissertations and managerial reports
5. Qualitative Research & Mixed Methods: Data collection and analysis methods
6. Introduction to statistics
- Analysis with SPSS, SEM etc.
- Reporting analysis results, discussing findings, and writing conclusions
7. Research resources – databases, software, searching for materials etc

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number The module will develop a student’s ability to read and understand data
Communication Discussion-based group seminars facilitate critical thinking and help to develop good presentation skills. The use of electronic journals and reports are highly relevant for the successful preparation of the Report. In addition, although not required, students may choose to use electronic library database skills. Independent work on assessed essay helps to develop writing skills which will be of use when writing the assessment
Improving own Learning and Performance Students will improve their learning by undertaking directed but independent study and work. Time management will be crucial in preparation for the assessments
Information Technology The use of electronic journals and reports are highly relevant for the successful preparation of the Report. In addition, although not required, students may choose to use electronic library databases
Personal Development and Career planning The module provides content which will prove highly valuable for students in their later careers. Knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues in the research study area as well as research skills developed in connection with the preparation of assessed individual coursework contribute to transferable skills
Problem solving The module demands the participants to apply analytical skills to reason and understand the challenging nature of the subject. By introducing a variety of theoretical as well as empirical topics, the module enables students to develop creative thinking approaches to problem solving. These skills will have to be applied in seminar discussions, preparation of the Strategic Analysis and the Report
Research skills Students will be mostly working with influential theoretical as well as empirical research papers published in management journals. This will introduce them to a range of research methods, which will facilitate development of appropriate research skills necessary to produce a high quality Report
Subject Specific Skills Use of strategic models to understand developing topic issues Capacity for overseeing tools for data collection and analyses techniques
Team work Team work ethics are encouraged in seminars. During seminars students will be encouraged to participate in interactive group discussions/presentations


This module is at CQFW Level 7