Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Exhibition 2: Resolution
Academic Year
Semester 3 (Dissertation)
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Exhibition (intrinsic quality, selection and hanging of art works, and exhibition management, monthly research reports). Failure to secure a pass will result in a supplementary exhibiton.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. A capacity to execute a conclusive, coherent and related body of exhibitable work demonstrating a final resolution of the research problem begun in ARM0460 Exhibition 1 (Aims,A, B,C)
2. Produce a body of work, to a prescribed and more immediate deadline than for the first exhibition, and a standard or excellence in conception and execution comparable with the professional practice in Fine Art (Aims: B,C)
3. Work in a fast-paced, strategic, rationale, informed, and self-determined manner (Aim: C)
4. Implement and refine an existing field of action and a specific research problem (Aims: A,B,D)
5. Stage an exhibition, one that develops the prior learning-experience gained from staging the first exhibition (Aims, A,B,C)

Relation to Assessment
Outcomes 1-5 are assessed through the Exhibition and a Portfolio of preparatory studies and unhung work

Brief description

In the context of this module, students pursue build upon their experience in ARM0130 Portfolio and exhibition development in AHM0160 Exhibition 1. In contrast to the Part 1 experience, students produce a body of work in a limited time frame expressly for exhibition and the gallery context. The body of work will of necessarily be smaller in quantity than that produced in the context of the first exhibition. However, that body should be characterised by a greater sense of resolution in terms of refining the research problem and aesthetic dimensions of the work. Students pursue a self-initiated, and self-directed programme of research-based study in Fine Art. In contrast to Exhibition 1, students take far more responsibility for the progression and conclusion of the body of work. Students are expected to extend their previous experience and practice by defining further a clear subject matter or field of action, refining a knowledge of technical, stylistic, theoretical, and historical frameworks relevant to their work; enhancing their capacity to be productive and to work at an appropriate pace consistently and energetically over a shorter period of time; and to become confident in justifying and articulating their practice in both writing and orally. Students will also be expected to solidly establish relevant criteria in order to make discriminating judgements about their work. In these ways, the module is conceived as a means of instilling standards and strategies of professional Fine Art practice.


The module aims to:
  • Focus and resolve the resaerch development furthered in ARM0460 Exhibition 1
  • Enable the student to bring to completion self-initiated and self-directed programme of work to this end; a programme that refines the specific research problem arising from research undertaken in the first Exhibition
  • Enable the student to develop an exhibition of work within a relatively short period of tome; one that demosntrates a personal, creative, prodcutive, and imaginative interpretation of subject matter, the refinement of appropriate technical and technological dexterity and stylistic sophistication, and full cognisance of appropriate conceptual, theoretical, and historical frameworks.
  • Challenge the student to articulate verbally the criteria by which their work is made and assessed in the context of tutorials.
  • a capacity to execute a conclusive, coherent and related body of exhibitable work demonstrating a final resolution of the research problem begun in ARM0460 Exhibition 1.
  • produce a body of work, to a prescribed and more immediate deadline than for the first exhibition, and a standard of excellence in conception and execution comparable with the professional practice in Fine Art
  • work in a fast-paced, strategic, rationale, informed, and self-determined manner
  • implement and refine an existing field of action and a specific research problem
  • stage an exhibition, one that develops the prior learning-experience gained from staging the first exhibition


They are held, generally once a fortnight (in negotiation with the student). The aim is to discuss and evaluate work in progress and to develop realistic strategies and short-term objectives. Students are expected to bring to tutorial both their practical work and source material (in the form of notes, reproductions, or texts) relevant to the discussion.

Forum seminars
The first seminar outlines the format aims, objectives, and assessment criteria for this component of the scheme. Thereafter, the syllabus of seminars is based upon individual presentations by students and staff associated with the degree scheme. They consist of a 20-minute delivery based on the individual's current art practice followed by a half-hour group discussion.

Students are expected to work in their studios throughout the week. They determine their timetable. Along with research students, they have access to the School's building in the evening and at weekends. The expectation is that, over the period of each semester (which currently includes vacation periods also) students would accrue approximately 240 hours of `study-time' practice.

Students are responsible for developing their own programme of work in collaboration with their tutor/supervisor. What is important is that some form of schedule is developed so that a body of work that fulfils the aims and objectives of the module is produced within the allotted time.


This module is at CQFW Level 7