Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Academic Year
Semester 3 (Dissertation)
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Dissertation  8500 Words  100%
Supplementary Assessment Re-submission  8500 Words  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Efficiently undertake an in-depth literature review.

Plan and perform experiments using appropriate research methods.

Work to a planned timetable.

Evaluate and present results effectively; summarise and discuss the results in the context of the chosen subject area.

Produce a learned report of the investigation in the form of a research article in the style of a relevant journal.

Brief description

The dissertation will normally be experimental in nature, investigating a subject of the student's choice and subject to a supervisor's approval. The normal guidelines/regulations on M.Sc. Dissertation as outlined in the University Calendar will stand.


The aims of the module are:
To provide the students with the opportunity for an in-depth investigation of an appropriate topic. It is intended that the skills and discipline required to write a scholarly paper on a specified subject will be developed to an advanced level. The module will provide the opportunity to specialise in a particular aspect of the discipline.

It will achieve this by considering the following areas:
- Introductory session detailing the requirements of a dissertation
- Tutorials to give guidance and arrange appropriate dissertation research work, culminating in the production of a research proposal (submitted and marked as an assignment in BRM6420 Research Methods in the Biosciences).
- A period of approximately 3 months experimental work/data gathering under the guidance of a dissertation supervisor
- Writing up and submission of a research article in the style of a relevant journal, in accordance with University guidelines and under the guidance of a dissertation supervisor

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Collation, manipulation and analysis of data may be an integral part of the research conducted and the thesis presented.
Communication Students will be expected to develop advanced communication skills, in particular written communication, through the presentation of a research thesis in an appropriate academic style and in accordance with University guidelines
Improving own Learning and Performance Students need to demonstrate good organizational skills in order to carry out their research work and ultimately produce a thesis in a timely and effective manner.
Information Technology Students will be required to source information from a variety of scientific publication data bases and where appropriate use software statistical packages to analysis their results.
Personal Development and Career planning It is intended that the techniques and skills developed during this module will have a direct application to student’s future careers. Vocational skills, both within their subject specialism and more general transferable skills, will be developed to a high level.
Problem solving Students are required to design and implement an investigational protocol in order to address a specific research question
Research skills Students are required to critically evaluate previous research work during the production of a Literature review and then collect, analyse and interpret their own research data.
Subject Specific Skills In depth technical knowledge of the dissertation subject area
Team work Students may have the opportunity for developing their team skills if their dissertation work requires them to work within a research team. However the emphasis in this module is on independent research.


This module is at CQFW Level 7