Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Applied Environmental Management
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Group presentation  10 Minutes  30%
Semester Assessment Consultancy Report  2500 Words  70%
Supplementary Assessment Script for group presentation  300 Words  30%
Supplementary Assessment Consultancy Report  2500 Words  70%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Assess the natural and anthropogenic environmental problems which impact terrestrial environments, and demonstrate an understanding of the spatial and temporal contexts for managing these issues.

Develop practical skills in identifying, measuring and monitoring environmental problems in desk-based, laboratory and field settings.

Apply standard approaches to develop appropriate recommendations for environmental management solutions.

Consolidate data and information from multiple end-user /stakeholder groups related to real-world environmental management problems.

Brief description

Many of the world’s most challenging environmental management problems and hazards are related to river catchments. These include flooding, risks to infrastructure arising from erosion and sedimentation, contamination of land and water, and water provision through building dams and diversion schemes. Geoscientists address these issues by employing a wide range of methods, instruments and datasets, underpinned by a process-based understanding, often in complex regulatory frameworks and challenging political and economic contexts. Using a series of real-life local, national and international case studies from environmental consultancies and research, this module will develop students’ skills in applying their theoretical understanding to solve environmental management problems. It will give students experience of using industry-standard approaches, instruments, and desk, lab and field-based techniques including statistical flood estimation, geomorphological survey and GIS analysis.


The following themes will be covered:
•Introduction and context: river response to long-term environmental change and the role of water science,regulation and governance in the Anthropocene
•Land stability: Infrastructure in a dynamic environment:planning river crossings
•Land and water quality: Mining impacts and contamination of land and water
•Managing floods
•Dams and their impacts
Managing heritage on dynamic coasts
Practical sessions and assessments will focus on using industry-standard techniques for assessing flood frequency and magnitude, river bank stability, and the rates and magnitude of historical river channel change. Field work will focus on geomorphological site assessment and surveying using various instruments. These sessions will develop students’ skills which will then be used to address a specific river management problem forming the basis of a consultancy report. Students will also take part in a simulated public inquiry meeting into a controversial environmental management issue, playing the role of a particular stakeholder/interest group.

Prior knowledge of geomorphological processes (through GS25210 Catchment Systems or DA22510 Geomorffoleg Afonol) and of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) would be highly beneficial for studying this module.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Communication Students will produce an environmental consultancy report using standard professional formats, which involves distilling and communicating scientific information to non-specialist clients. Students will give an oral presentation in a simulated public inquiry.
Improving own Learning and Performance The environmental consultancy report will require significant independent research and experimenting with various solutions. Students will need to adapt to working in a more applied context, to working in new teams, possibly across different degree schemes, and be resilient to experimenting to find the best solution to a problem.
Information Technology Students will use a number of key pieces of software used in the environmental consultancy sector, including statistical and GIS packages as well as more generic software to produce a written report and oral presentation.
Personal Development and Career planning The module is focused on developing skills to solve real-world environmental management problems, raising awareness of the often challenging contexts that such problems arise in. Students will need to reflect on the degree to which their solutions to an environmental management problem have been successful, and to reflect on their viewpoints having heard arguments from other stakeholders during the simulated public inquiry.
Problem solving The environmental consultancy report is directly focused on solving an environmental problem. Students will need to explore various solutions and decide on the most appropriate for a particular context.
Research skills Students will be required to think critically about the consequences of a range of environmental management solutions, consider their advantages and disadvantages, and logically propose the most appropriate solution.
Subject Specific Skills The module is focused on applying theoretical subject-specific understanding to real-world problems using skills such as statistical analysis, GIS mapping, field and laboratory techniques and instruments.
Team work Students will work in groups to develop their argument for the simulated public inquiry and will need to organize, collaborate and present as a group.


This module is at CQFW Level 6