Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Reading and Writing Development Group
Academic Year
Semester 2
Also available in
Reading List

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Attendance and participation in discussion sessions  30%
Semester Assessment Draft literature review  30%
Semester Assessment Reflective essay on a selection of papers discussed  40%
Supplementary Assessment Resubmit / re-attend the failed components  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Identify and discuss subject specific literature.
2. Communicate with non-experts.
3. Defend points from the literature, which they might not support.
4. Reflect on aspects in the literature.
5. Critically evaluate the literature.
6. To write up literature review aspects.

Brief description

To allow PhD/MPhil students to develop their reading/writing/communication skills with regard to the available literature.
The module provides students with experience in reading, discussing and critically assess publications and research. It could also cover the writing of a critical literature review. The expectation is that students will be actively involved in the development process and contribute to the module and evaluation process.


The main aim is to develop the research skills of the students, with an emphasis on the critical analysis of the literature.


This is likely to take the form of small group seminars, with about 10 sessions between Oct and March of the academic year. There are several stages to this:
- A reading list is designed, which could involve the students, supervisors and convenor. This will be done in the first session.
- Depending on the make-up/diversity of the group, papers are either randomly allocated (if all within the group have more or less the same background, or more selectively (if there are significant differences in the research areas), or to randomly allocate at the start of a session. It is essential that all will read all papers. This will be done in the first session.
- There could be an aspect of defending and criticising the paper (and get two from the group involved in each session). The outcome of a session could be an agreed summary. This will cover sessions two to nine.
- The final session will cover a reflection on the discussed aspects and the literature covered.
- Assessment is based on participation: turning up for all sessions could be a pass, with higher marks associated with participation/contribution. In addition, a draft literature review is expected in combination with a reflective (1000 words) essay on a selection of papers discussed.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication Through discussion
Improving own Learning and Performance Through discussion
Information Technology
Personal Development and Career planning Through discussion
Problem solving Through discussion
Research skills Through discussion.
Subject Specific Skills Linked to own research project
Team work Discuss literature


This module is at CQFW Level 7