Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Advanced Scenographic Project
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Personal Electronic Portfolio.  40%
Semester Assessment 7 Hours   Scenographic Event  - A substantial, independently conceived and realised scenographic project, presented over two days in the public domain.  60%
Supplementary Assessment Assessment  may include a submission of a 3500 word (plus supporting visual material equivalent to 5000 words in total) critical evaluation contextualizing the proposed aesthetic event within current trends of contemporary scenographic practice.  60%
Supplementary Assessment Personal Electronic Portfolio.  40%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to determine independent goals and appropriate strategies for the achievement of those goals.

Demonstrate the ability to realise an independently conceived aesthetic event, achieved through a clear process of concept development and practice-led experiment and research.

Demonstrate the ability to handle relevant software applications to structure a clear and navigable electronic portfolio.

Demonstrate the ability to compose, employing a diverse range of media, creative and effective documents of self-presentation.

Brief description

This module draws and builds upon the scenographic interests of students and encourages independent, self-directed study in the form of practice-led research, leading toward an aesthetic, publicly presented event. Whilst guided by the course tutors, in this module, students will be given the opportunity to determine their own learning goals and plan and articulate their strategies (supported by seminars and tutorials) towards those goals. This independent work will be orchestrated by students in collaboration to realise and present an aesthetic event or exhibition of all students’ work, offered within the public domain.

The module also facilitates the production of a substantial personal portfolio of material, published in electronic format, creatively presenting and documenting the student's output and arc of study to date, and indicating his/her direction of travel beyond the point of graduation. The teaching and learning of this module is structured with a view to this portfolio having an ultimate transferable value in presenting the student’s work positively to relevant external bodies and organizations.


Seminar/tutorials linked to the composition of individual aesthetic events and personal portfolios. These are weekly meetings that mix modes of teaching and learning appropriate to the development of specific projects and individual ambitions. They are guided and chaired by the course tutors and, in later stages, by the students themselves. These sessions include elements of lecture and demonstration; large and small group discussion of research; individual tutorial; production/planning meeting; individual and small group presentation of research findings, strategies, goals and objectives. Whilst the arc of the ten sessions is pre-determined (from the introduction of thematic material in week one, to final, resolved propositions in week ten) the form of the intermediate sessions is, to some extent, determined by the outcomes of preceding ones.
The module concludes with an intensive two week production period in a dedicated Departmental studio. Students must document their work extensively, in process and production, and manifest this activity within the individual portfolios.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number • The use and conversion of scale • The manipulation and documentation of technical data • Tackle problems involving number within IT data handling
Communication • Knowledge sharing through discussion. • Articulation of individual aims and objectives • Read in different contexts and for different purposes • Speak in different contexts and for different purposes (inc presentation and discussion) • Listen effectively and respond to constructive criticism
Improving own Learning and Performance Devise and apply realistic learning and self-management strategies
Information Technology • Use a range of commonly used software packages • Use specialist C.A.D. programs • Present information and data • Use email /internet appropriately and effectively • Compose creatively using IT
Personal Development and Career planning • Develop awareness of personal skills, beliefs and qualities in relation to course/career progression • Plan and prepare materials for future course/career and organize these in electronic format • Market skills, experience and achievement effectively through a diversity of media
Problem solving • Identify conceptual problems • Identify factors which might influence potential solutions • Develop creative thinking approaches to problem solving • Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of potential solutions • Construct a rational proposal in response to a problem
Research skills • Understand a range of research methods • Plan and carry out research • Produce academically appropriate feedback from research
Subject Specific Skills The following subject specific skills are developed and directly or indirectly assessed: • devising and evaluating performance events from a range of critical perspectives; • reading the performance possibilities implied by a script, score and other textual or documentary sources; • engaging in performance and production, based on an acquisition and understanding of appropriate performance and production vocabularies, skills, structures and working methods; • developing skills of observation and visual, aural and spatial awareness; engaging in research, whether independent, group or performance-based.
Team work • Knowledge sharing through discussion. • Understand the concept of group dynamics • Play an active part in group activities. • Contribute effectively to the planning of group activities • Exercise negotiation and persuasion skills


This module is at CQFW Level 6