Semester One
PH39620 - Astrophysics I: Physics of the Sun Paper A
PH39620 - Astrophysics I: Physics of the Sun Paper B
PH34510 - Modern Optics and Photonics Paper A
PH34510 - Modern Optics and Photonics Paper B
PH33310 - Engineering Control Theory Paper A
PH33310 - Engineering Control Theory Paper B
PH32410 - Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics Paper A
PH32410 - Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics Paper B
PH28620 - Stars and Planets Paper A
PH28620 - Stars and Planets Paper B
PH21510 - Thermodynamics Paper A
PH21510 - Thermodynamics Paper B
PH16210 - Algebra and Differential Equations Paper A
PH16210 - Algebra and Differential Equations Paper B
PH10020 - Dynamics, Waves and Heat Paper A
PH10020 - Dynamics, Waves and Heat Paper B
PH06020 - Introduction to Mathematical Methods for Physicists 1 Paper A
PH06020 - Introduction to Mathematical Methods for Physicists 1 Paper B
PH04020 - Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics Paper A
PH04020 - Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics Paper B
PM26020 - Mathematical Physics Paper A
PM26020 - Mathematical Physics Paper B
PHM3010 - Advanced Quantum Physics Paper A
PHM3010 - Advanced Quantum Physics Paper B
PHM2510 - Electromagnetic Theory Paper A
PHM2510 - Electromagnetic Theory Paper B
FG26020 - Ffiseg Mathemategol Papur A
FG26020 - Ffiseg Mathemategol Papur
FG16210 - Algebra a Hafaliadau Differol Papur A
FG16210 - Algebra a Hafaliadau Differol Papur B
FG10020 - Dynameg, Tonnau a Gwres Papur A
FG10020 - Dynameg, Tonnau a Gwres Papur B