Programme Specifications

Sport and Exercise Science

1 : Awarding Institution / Body
Aberystwyth University

2a : Teaching Institution / University
Aberystwyth University

2b : Work-based learning (where appropriate)

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:


3a : Programme accredited by
Aberystwyth University

3b : Programme approved by
Aberystwyth University

4 : Final Award
Bachelor of Science

5 : Programme title
Sport and Exercise Science

6 : UCAS code

7 : QAA Subject Benchmark

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

Events, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism

8 : Date of publication

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

August 2024

9 : Educational aims of the programme

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

The degree is designed to increase the student’s understanding of the core disciplines of the Sport and Exercise Sciences via an increasingly integrated programme of study. Students will study modules in the subject areas of physiology, psychology and biomechanics. They will develop understanding of research methods and the ability to apply this to new and interesting topics areas. Students will also undertake modules which encourage personal and professional development.

Subject specific skills

The degree aims to develop subject specific skills through the many student-centred activities such as projects, workshops, problem-solving sessions and tutorials. Laboratory classes feature extensively, with students working in groups of four or five. Students will become skilled in using scientific equipment for sophisticated fitness testing and motion analysis. All modules are designed to develop independence in the appropriate application and use of the equipment.

Generic and graduate skills

Key skills are integrated into all our modules. These will develop the students’ ability to give presentations and speak confidently, to analyse data and produce reports, develop creativity, to write clearly and with substance, to research and analyse information, to solve problems and to work productively with others.

Throughout the three years, students will receive special sessions on developing employability skills such as writing a consultancy report, case study analysis, data collection, IT skills, effective communication strategies, job search strategies, interview techniques, and corporate culture.

Students will develop a strong scientific, analytical mind along with team-working skills, meaning that graduates are well-placed to enter a wide range of general careers. The skills acquired in sport and exercise science degrees are highly valued by employers and will enable a wide range of career choices for students developing the health sector as a viable career path.

10 : Intended learning outcomes

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

To provide students with a knowledge and critical understanding of the key academic constituencies, which comprise the sport and exercise sciences: biomechanics, physiology and psychology, along with a base of appreciation of relevant aspects of the under-pinning sciences of physics, chemistry and biology.

10.1 : Knowledge and understanding

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

A1 Demonstrate knowledge of the disciplines, and of the inter-disciplinary relationships, that underpin human structure and function

A2 Provide a critical appreciation of the relationship between sport and exercise activities in a range of groups in various settings

A3 Evaluate responses to Sport and Exercise to monitor, analysis, diagnose and prescribe action to enhance health and performance

A4 Demonstrate advanced level knowledge and understanding of theories and principles in selected areas within Sport and Exercise Science

A5 Display an awareness of current government policy on disease prevention and the relevance of exercise

Learning and Teaching
Lectures; tutorials; student-led seminars; problem-based learning scenarios and case studies; laboratory practicals; literature-based research; computer-assisted learning; research leading to a dissertation.

Assessment Strategies and Methods
Written examinations and coursework to include: report writing, essay writing, oral and poster presentations; the submission of a dissertation; assessment based on real life problems.

10.2 : Skills and other attributes

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

10.2.1 Intellectual Skills

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to:

B1 Appropriately evaluate sources of information

B2 Construct critical reviews on a range of topics based on a range of information sources

B3 Solve problems of a numerical and logical nature

Learning and Teaching
Lectures; tutorials; student-led seminars; problem-based learning scenarios and case studies; laboratory practicals; literature-based research; computer-assisted learning; research leading to a dissertation.

Assessment Strategies and Methods
Written examinations and coursework to include: report writing, essay writing, oral and poster presentations; the submission of a dissertation; assessment based on real life problems.

10.2.2 Professional practical skills / Discipline Specific Skills

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to:

C1 Demonstrate the practical skills and techniques required to monitor and evaluate participants in health and performance contexts

C2 Demonstrate an awareness of health and safety, risk assessment and ethical considerations

Learning and Teaching
Lectures; tutorials; student-led seminars; problem-based learning scenarios and case studies; laboratory practicals; literature-based research; computer-assisted learning; research leading to a dissertation.

Assessment Strategies and Methods
Written examinations and coursework to include: report writing, essay writing, oral and poster presentations; the submission of a dissertation; assessment based on real life problems.

10.3 : Transferable/Key skills

Information provided by Department of Life Sciences:

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to:

D1 Acquire skills in research and data analysis.

D2 Deploy mathematical and statistical concepts, processes and tools, such as the manipulation of equations and graphical and statistical analysis, to solve problems or evaluate data.

D3 Develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

D4 Develop a thorough grounding in information technology skills and use appropriate databases, computational techniques and tools to aid further understanding of and insight into biological processes.

D5 Demonstrate the ability to work independently.

D6 Demonstrate time-management and organisational skills, including the ability to meet deadlines.

D7 Develop the ability to express ideas and communicate effectively, in both written and oral forms, selecting appropriate content, media and methods for the audience, purpose and subject.

D8 Demonstrate self-motivation and self-reliance.

D9 Collaborate and work successfully and inclusively in a group environment, contributing positively and flexibly to team outputs.

Learning and Teaching
Lectures; tutorials; student-led seminars; problem-based learning scenarios and case studies; laboratory practicals; literature based research; computer-assisted learning; research leading to a dissertation.

Assessment Strategies and Methods
Written examinations and coursework to include: report writing, essay writing, oral and poster presentations; the submission of a dissertation; assessment based on real life problems.

11 : Program Structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

BSC Sport and Exercise Science [C600]

Academic Year: 2024/2025Single Honours scheme - available from 2001/2002

Duration (studying Full-Time): 3 years

Part 1 Rules

Year 1 Core (120 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Human Physiological Systems


Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication


Cell Biology

Semester 2

Research designs to assess and monitor clients


Psychology of physical activity and health.


Human Anatomy and Kinesiology


Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication

Part 2 Rules

Year 2 Core (120 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Motor Learning and Performance


Sport & Exercise Physiology


Research Methods

Semester 2

Applying evidence based interventions


Sport and Exercise Nutrition


Physical Activity for Health


Research Methods

Final Year Core (80 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Research Project

Semester 2

Training and Performance Enhancement


Research Project


Consultancy work

Final Year Options

Choose 40 credits

Semester 1

Applied Sports Nutrition


Injury and Rehabilitation


Technological advances in sport, exercise and health

Semester 2

12 : Support for students and their learning
Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. Personal Tutors have an important role within the overall framework for supporting students and their personal development at the University. The role is crucial in helping students to identify where they might find support, how and where to seek advice and how to approach support to maximise their student experience. Further support for students and their learning is provided by Information Services and Student Support and Careers Services.

13 : Entry Requirements
Details of entry requirements for the scheme can be found at

14 : Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
All taught study schemes are subject to annual monitoring and periodic review, which provide the University with assurance that schemes are meeting their aims, and also identify areas of good practice and disseminate this information in order to enhance the provision.

15 : Regulation of Assessment
Academic Regulations are published as Appendix 2 of the Academic Quality Handbook:

15.1 : External Examiners
External Examiners fulfill an essential part of the University’s Quality Assurance. Annual reports by External Examiners are considered by Faculties and Academic Board at university level.

16 : Indicators of quality and standards
The Department Quality Audit questionnaire serves as a checklist about the current requirements of the University’s Academic Quality Handbook. The periodic Department Reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance processes and for the University to assure itself that management of quality and standards which are the responsibility of the University as a whole are being delivered successfully.