Embedded Video

YouTube Video

What's Required?

Before embedding your YouTube video into your page, you should undertake the following preparation:

  • Confirm the link for your YouTube video (the code required will be after the "?v=" in the web link);
  • Ensure that the following content template is available in the section in which you wish to place your YouTube video:
    • YouTube video. 

How To?

CMS users can embed a YouTube video into their webpages by following the instructions provided in Information Sheet 17.

Panopto Video

What's Required?

Before embedding your Panopto video into your page, you should undertake the following preparation:

  • Confirm the link for your Panopto video (the code required will be after the "id=" in the web link);
  • Check that the permissions for the Panopto video has been set to 'Anyone with the link';
  • Ensure that the following content template is available in the section in which you wish to place your Panopto video:
    • Panopto Video Embed. 

How To?

CMS users can embed a Panopto video into their webpages by following the instructions provided in Information Sheet 17.