Dr Lloyd Roderick

Dr Lloyd Roderick

Academic Engagement Librarian

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Roderick, GL, Wales and the Modern Movements Revisited, 2019, Exhibition, Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University.
Roderick, GL 2017, '‘Artes Mundi 7’: Familiar Landscapes and Distant Trauma', Planet: The Welsh Internationalist, vol. Planet_Extra. <http://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/planet_extra/familiar-landscapes-and-distant-trauma>
Roderick, GL 2017, 'Tir hiraethus a llafur dychmygol', O'r Pedwar Gwynt, no. 3, pp. 14.
Dee, H, Hughes, L, Roderick, GL & Brown, AD 2016, Visual digital humanities: Using image data to derive approximate metadata. in A Foster & P Rafferty (eds), Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, discovery, and retrieval. Facet Publishing, London, pp. 89-110.
Cusworth, A, Hughes, LM, James, R, Roberts, O & Roderick, GL 2015, 'What Makes the Digital ‘Special’? The Research Program in Digital Collections at the National Library of Wales', New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 241-248. 10.1080/13614533.2015.1034805
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