Prof Ryszard Piotrowicz

LL,B (Hons) Dundee, Dip. Int'l Law Thessaloniki, Ph.D Glasgow

Prof Ryszard Piotrowicz


Department of Law & Criminology

Contact Details


  • Professor of Law at Aberystwyth since 1999
  • Vice-President of GRETA, Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2017-20
  • Member of GRETA, 2013-16
  • Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales
  • Visiting Professor in Migration Law, Viadrina University, Frankfurt-Oder
  • Senior Research Associate, Refugee Law Initiative, University of London

Previously taught at the Universities of Glasgow, Durham and Tasmania.

  • Alexander-Von-Humboldt Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für aus. öff. Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg (1991, 1992).
  • Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania (1996-1998).
  • DAAD Visiting Research Fellow, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald (1997).
  • Alexander-Von-Humboldt Research Fellow, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald (1999).
  • Visiting Professor in European and International Law, University of Tasmania (2001).
  • Parsons Fellow, University of Sydney (2003).
  • Visiting Professor in International Law, University of Adelaide (2007).
  • Visiting Professor in International Law, Masaryk University, Brno (2008).
  • Adjunct Professor, University of South Australia (2016-21)

Consultant to several international organisations and states on people trafficking and refugee law.
Guest lecturer on IHL for the International Committee of the Red Cross and Polish Red Cross, (International Humanitarian Law Summer School, Warsaw), as well as the Red Cross Societies of Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Germany.
Guest lectures and papers at many universities and institutions in the UK, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Romania, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Australia, Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Norway, Moldova, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Macedonia, USA, Slovenia, Israel, Sweden, Luxembourg, Greece, New Zealand, Taiwan, Austria, Spain, Finland, Qatar and South Africa.

Additional Information

Member, Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2013-20.
Member, European Commission Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings, 2008-15
Member, Wales Anti-Slavery Leadership Group
Judge at the Martens International Humanitarian Law Moot, Tashkent 2002 and Moscow 2004, ICRC International Humanitarian Law Moot, Budapest 2004 and 2005 and Ljubljana 2006, Moldova 2005, Pictet Moot - Vrnacka Banja 2006, ICRC - Israel 2007, ICRC - Sarajevo 2010, 2011, 2012.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Refugee Law.
Member, Editorial Advisory Boards, Acta Societais Martensis (Estonia) and Silesian Journal of Legal Studies (Poland).
Peer Reviewer for Research Councils in several countries
World record holder, Berlin Marathon (in category).


International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Nationality, Refugee Law, Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings.


Director of Research, Dept. of Law and Criminology


Piotrowicz, R & Rijken, C 2020, Article 16: Repatriation and Return of Victims. in J Planitzer & H Sax (eds), A Commentary to the Council of Europe Comvention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. Elgar Commentaries, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 233-248. 10.4337/9781788111560.00028
Piotrowicz, R 2020, Article 26: Non-punishment Provision. in J Planitzer & H Sax (eds), A Commentary to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. Elgar Commentaries, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 310-322. 10.4337/9781788111560.00038
Piotrowicz, R 2020, Guidance Note on the Entitlement of Victims of Trafficking, and Persons at Risk of Being Trafficked, to International Protection. Conseil de L'Europe, Strasbourg. <>
Uhl, B, Piotrowicz, R, Sorrentino, L, Rudenko, T, Vaz Cabral, G, Kyrylenko, O & Peck-Kubaczek, C (ed.) 2018, The Critical Role of Civil Society in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Vienna. <>
Piotrowicz, R 2017, 'ASEAN takes on trafficking in human beings', Australian Law Journal, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 284-295.
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