Mr Peter Schofield

English Language & EAP Tutor and Course Coordinator
Contact Details
- Email:
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622554
Module Coordinator
- IC00910 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Route C)
- IC00340 - Language, Culture and Communication
- IC00710 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Route C)
- IC00810 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Routes A and B)
- IC00110 - Introduction to Reading and Writing Skills for University
- IC00210 - Introduction to Listening and Speaking Skills for University
- IC00510 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes C)
- IC00610 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Routes A & B)
- IC00410 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes A & B)
- IC00340 - Language, Culture and Communication
- IC00610 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Routes A & B)
- IC00110 - Introduction to Reading and Writing Skills for University
- IC00510 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes C)
- IC00410 - Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking for University (Study Routes A & B)
- IC00210 - Introduction to Listening and Speaking Skills for University
- IC00710 - Listening and Speaking Skills for University (Route C)
- IC00810 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Routes A and B)
- IC00910 - Language Enhancement for University Study (Study Route C)