Dr Arddun Arwyn

BA (Aberystwyth) MA (Aberystwyth) PhD (Aberystwyth)

Dr Arddun Arwyn

Lecturer in Modern History (Welsh Medium)

Department of History & Welsh History

Contact Details


Dr Arddun Hedydd Arwyn BA, MA, PHD (Aberystwyth) is a lecturer in Modern History. She is a historian of modern German history, focusing on social and cultural history. Dr Arwyn studied for a BA and MA in European History, specialising in Germany, at Aberystwyth University. She completed her PhD thesis entitled 'The Flight from East Prussia. The Social Memory of East Prussians in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-2010' in 2013, also at Aberystwyth University. After working as a research assistant on the AHRC funded project 'European Travellers to Wales 1750-2010' for Bangor University she returned to Aberystwyth to take up a lectureship in modern History.


Dr Arwyn specialises the history of Germany in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Her current research project is centred on the ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe after the Second World War, with particular focus on the history of the province of East Prussia. Her main interests include the oral history and memory of individuals forced to flee or migrate from East Prussia and the way in which these experiences have been portrayed. Other topics also covered are individual memories of the Third Reich and the end of the Second World War. She also has a strong interest in the German concept of Heimat and the ways in which memory and myth making have shaped a particular version of East Prussian history. Using a range of sources including oral history interviews, memoirs, published and documentary material Dr Arwyn is interested in addressing wider questions not only German history but also in memory and migration studies.

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 14:00-16:00


Arwyn, A 2023, Crisis and storytelling: Learning lessons from the past. in K Lovell (ed.), RecordCovid19: Historicizing Experiences of the Pandemic. De Gruyter, pp. 131-155. 10.1515/9783110731002-009
Arwyn, A 2021, '‘With a spirited East Prussian Thirst for Action’: Constructs of an East Prussian Identity and Narratives of Forced Migrants’ Everyday Lives in Expellee Heimat Periodicals', History, vol. 105, no. 368, pp. 825-850. 10.1111/1468-229X.13093
Arwyn, A 2017, 'Amgeueddfeydd Werin Dwyrain Prwsia a Cof Cymleth', Gwerddon, pp. 45-68.
Arwyn, A 2017, '‘Cystadlaethau cof’, naratif a hanes yn Amgueddfa Heimat Wehlau: Negodi hanes a chof cymhleth yr Almaen yn yr ugeinfed ganrif', Gwerddon, vol. 25, pp. 45-69. <http://www.gwerddon.cymru/en/editions/issue25/article3/>
Arwyn, A 2017, Memory and History. in Making History . Taylor & Francis.
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