Joey Crozier

Department of History & Welsh History
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- Twitter: @scacey
PhD thesis title: ‘Secrecy, Propaganda, and Intelligence Gathering: The World of James Johnston and the Glorious Revolution (1687-97).'
(Formerly - Gossip, Print and Espionage: The Glorious Revolution in the British Atlantic World)
The story of the 1688 Glorious Revolution is an ancient one. Nevertheless, the role of Scottish intelligencers in service of the House of Orange throughout the revolution have been largely overlooked. This project aims to conduct an original investigation into intelligence gathering during the era of the Glorious Revolution. Indeed, it sets out to interrogate how influential intelligence gatherers were during the late seventeenth century through the lens of one extraordinary intelligence operative, James Johnston (1655-1737). In examining the role of Johnston during the revolution, I hope to reveal more about the mechanics of clandestine networks; the sorts of intelligence that contributed to political propaganda; and the conspirators who closely assisted Johnston in his service to William of Orange.