Waste Management and Recycling

(Please note, any documents/links on this page may predate those on previous pages)

A wide variety of waste is produced by the University. Some of these waste streams are hazardous and have to go to specialised waste treatment organisations, some go for recycling and the rest goes to landfill.

Members of the University can make a positive contribution by reducing waste at source (such as specifying goods packaged in returnable containers) and by using reuse / recycle schemes where available. We are seeking opportunities to increase such schemes at the University, details of which will be circulated as they are developed, together with information on specialised waste disposal routes for hazardous materials.

Hazardous Waste

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

PCBs used to be used in electrical, vacuum and hydraulic systems. They have been banned from used for safety and ecological reasons, though equipment dating from the mid-1980s and before may contain them.

PCBs and equipment containing them needs to be disposed of via special routes, and some items of such equipment being retained needs to be registered with Natural Resources Wales. Please contact the Health, Safety and Environment office for assistance with this process.