Document Library

The following page provides details of all documents relating to Aberystwyth University's Health, Safety and Environment Management System. For further information relating to any of these documents, please contact the Health, Safety and Environment Team at or on extension 2073.


The Health and Safety Policy identifies the key elements of the University’s health and safety management system, and details the commitment towards maintaining and improving the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and others who may be affected by our activities.

All members of staff should familiarise themselves with the University’s Health and Safety Policy.

Reference Document Approved
PL01 Health and Safety Policy February 2024
P008 Smoke-free & Vape-free Policy January 2024





Reference Document Word PDF Approved
F001 Premises Management Inspection Checklist N/A N/A March 2018
F002 New or Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment Checklist F002 (Word) F002 (PDF) May 2018
F003 Risk Assessment Template F003 (Word) F003 (PDF) July 2016
F004 Health and Safety Inspection Checklist F004 (Word) F004 (PDF) November 2016
F005 Health, Safety and Environment Induction Report F005 (Word) F005 (PDF) December 2016
F006 Overseas Travel Risk Assessment F006 (Word) F006 (PDF) October 2017
F007 Incident Report Form F007 (Word) F007 (PDF) F007 (Large Font) May 2013
F008 DSEAR Risk Assessment N/A F008 (PDF) May 2022
F009 VDU Workstation Checklist F009 (Word) F009 (PDF) N/A
F010 COVID-19 Activity Risk Assessment Form F010 (Word) F010 (PDF) July 2020
F011 DSE Workstation Self-Assessment Form F011 (Word)  F011 (PDF)  June 2020
F012 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Questionnaire and (PEEP) Form F012 (Word) F012 (PDF) June 2019

Genetically Modified Organisms Risk Assessment Template

F017 (Word) F017 (PDF) June 2022