Prof Alison Kingston-Smith


Prof Alison Kingston-Smith



Contact Details


Professor Alison Kingston-Smith is the Director of Research in IBERS and leads the cross-disciplinary Rural Futures Hub of Aberystwyth University.  She has a broad background in plant biochemistry and physiology which she applies to advancing fundamental knowledge in plant science, most notably in regards to identification of quality traits in forage crops that can be used to decrease negative environmental impact of ruminants. She is currently interested in exploring how stress memory in plants affects resilience and feed quality in forage grasses and clovers. Her interest in sustainable farming has been further expanded recently and is the Aberystwyth University Lead for the EU-Intereg ValuSect project, exploring the potential for edible insects to become a mainstream foodstuff.

Research Groups

  • Forage Crops
  • Sustainable Grassland Systems and Agri-Food
  • Agri Systems


Edwards, JE, Kim, EJ, Davies, DR, Hanafy, R & Kingston-Smith, AH 2023, 'Ruminant Salivary Microbes: Passenger or Player in the Rumen?', Microorganisms, vol. 11, no. 10, 2390. 10.3390/microorganisms11102390
Hart, EH, Christofides, SR, Davies, TE, Rees Stevens, P, Creevey, CJ, Müller, CT, Rogers, HJ & Kingston-smith, AH 2022, 'Forage grass growth under future climate change scenarios affects fermentation and ruminant efficiency', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 4454. 10.1038/s41598-022-08309-7
Friedersdorff, JCA, Bright, C, Rooke, D, Creevey, CJ & Kingston Smith, AH 2022, 'Using the forces of hydrodynamic countercurrent chromatography for the study of bacteriophages', Access Microbiology, vol. 4, no. 2. 10.1099/acmi.0.000310
Huws, SA, Edwards, JE, Lin, W, Rubino, F, Alston, M, Swarbreck, D, Caim, S, Stevens, PR, Pachebat, J, Won, MY, Oyama, LB, Creevey, CJ & Kingston-Smith, AH 2021, 'Microbiomes attached to fresh perennial ryegrass are temporally resilient and adapt to changing ecological niches', Microbiome, vol. 9, no. 1, 143. 10.1186/s40168-021-01087-w
Kingston-Smith, A, Christofides, SR, Hart, E, Rogers, HJ & Müller, CT 2021, 'The VOC signature of ryegrass subjected to environmental and rumen stress', 13th British Grassland Society Research Conference, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 02 Mar 2021 - 04 Mar 2021. <>
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