Dr Matthew Hegarty

B.Sc(Hons), M.Res, PhD, PGCTHE

Dr Matthew Hegarty

Senior Lecturer

Department of Life Sciences

Contact Details


Module Coordinator

Scheme Coordinator:

Biology (C100), Biology with Integrated Year in Industry (C102), Biology with Integrated Masters (C109)

Module Coordinator:

BR15720 Wildlife Forensics

BR20620 Applied Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

BR25520 Animal Breeding, Genetics and Reproduction

BRM5820 Animal Breeding and Genetics

Other teaching

VE10320 Principles of Science


My research is focused on understanding how changes in the genome or transcriptome of an individual affects its phenotype, and also how genetic diversity affects populations. This research is based in a broad range of biological systems but always with a key theme of identifying genes underpinning physical traits. This is of particular relevance to the plant breeding and animal research programmes at IBERS, where my research brings a genomics aspect to these systems. I have a particular interest in the genetics of hybridisation and polyploidy, as many of the world's major crops are either polyploids or utilise hybrid vigour in their breeding.In addition to my own research interests, which heavily utilise the technology, I also oversee the IBERS Translational Genomics Facility, which supplies access to next-generation DNA sequencing and high-throughput genotyping for projects across IBERS/DLS and with collaborative partners.


DLS Employability Coordinator, DLS Academic Champion for Enterprise, Deputy Unfair Academic Practice Officer

Research Groups

  • Phenomics
  • Crop Genomics


Singh, S, Manwaring, HR, Naveen, A, Hegarty, M & Yadav, RS 2024, 'Genetic dissection of minerals and phytate content in pearl millet germplasm panel using genome-wide association study', Food and Energy Security, vol. 13, no. 4, e565. 10.1002/fes3.565
Matenchi, YP, Hegarty, M & Baștanlar, EK 2024 'Genome wide association analysis revealed novel candidate genes for body measurement traits in indigenous Gudali and crossbred Simgud in Cameroon' Research Square. 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4956337/v1
Singh, S, Yadav, CB, Lubanga, N, Hegarty, M & Yadav, RS 2024, 'Genome-wide SNPs and candidate genes underlying the genetic variations for protein and amino acids in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) germplasm', Planta, vol. 260, no. 3, 63. 10.1007/s00425-024-04495-y
Brekke, TD, Shier, L, Hegarty, MJ & Mulley, JF 2023, 'Shed skin as a source of DNA for genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) in reptiles', Conservation Genetics Resources, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 117-124. 10.1007/s12686-023-01310-w
Fu, Y, Thomas, A, Gasior, D, Harper, J, Gay, A, Jones, C, Hegarty, M, Asp, T, Fradera-Sola, A, Armstead, I & Fernandez-Fuentes, N 2021, 'A comparison of shared patterns of differential gene expression and gene ontologies in response to water-stress in roots and leaves of four diverse genotypes of Lolium and Festuca spp. temperate pasture grasses', PLoS One, vol. 16, no. 4, e0249636. 10.1371/journal.pone.0249636
More publications on the Research Portal