Prof Mariecia Fraser

Professor in Upland Agroecosystems
Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3999-1270
- Office: IBERS Gogerddan
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 823081
- Personal Website:
- Twitter: @uplandresources
- Research Portal Profile
Head, Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre
Additional Information
Member, Natural England Scientific Advisory Committee (2018-present)
Member, Hybu Cig Cymru Research and Knowledge Exchange Advisory Committee (2018-present).
Council member, British Grassland Society (2016-2020)
Editor, Animal: an international journal of bioscience
I have a background in animal science and grazing ecology and specialise in developing and testing management strategies for upland systems. My research interests include: species and breed differences in diet selection and ingestive behaviour, conservation grazing, nutrient supply from forages, greenhouse gas emissions from grazing animals, and the bio-energy potential of semi-natural grasslands. I have worked with a range of animal species (sheep, cattle, goats, ponies, deer, South American camelids) and pasture types (cultivated, improved permanent pasture and semi-natural grass and heath communities), as well as fresh and ensiled alternative forages (high WSC grasses, forage legumes, brassicas, pulses and bi-crops), to deliver a range of products (meat, fibre, habitats and biorenewables).
Research Groups
- Agri Systems