Mr Gerald Schaefer
Assessor iuris, Mag. iur, LLM (Auckland)

Associate Lecturer
Department of Law & Criminology
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 2.43, Elystan Morgan Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628465
I studied law at the University of Mainz/Germany from 1994 and passed the 1st State Exam in the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate in 2000. Between 1997 and 1998, I studied at the University of Glasgow as part of the additional degree of Magister iuris of German and Foreign Law, which I was awarded in 2003 by the University of Mainz. After two years internship at the Ministry of Justice of the Federal State of Hessen, I also passed the 2nd State Exam in 2003. From 2004 onwards I studied at the University of Auckland/New Zealand for my LLM with specialisation in (International) Public Law. In 2006, I started working as Teaching Assistant at the School of Law of the University of Dundee and in September 2007 began work as Tutor in Law here in Aberystwyth.
Additional Information
Languages spoken: English, German, French (comme ci comme ca)
Module Coordinator
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LDM0920 - Nature Conservation & Marine Environmental Law
- LDM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LC20720 - European Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC20720 - European Law
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
Seminar tutor for Legal Process, EU Law, Constitutional Law
Research interests include International Law, Environmental Law, EU Law, Constitutional Law and Comparative Law.
Current research project on Environmental protection in times of armed conflict, as topic for studies towards a PhD.