Dr Gwyn Griffith

Lecturer in Criminology
Department of Law & Criminology
Contact Details
- Email: gwg10@aber.ac.uk
- Office: B24, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622720
- Research Portal Profile
Worked as a Probation Officer and then a Youth Offending Team Service Manager for several years before becoming a lecturer. Interests: modelling the criminal Justice System, effectiveness of interventions to reduce offending and reoffending, youth justice.
Lecturer in Criminology, Research in Criminology, Employability lead for criminology students
Beardmore, T, Collier, W, Olusanya, O, Griffith, G, Knapp, VJ & Baldwin, A 2024, 'The positive impact of legal advice and services on the mental wellbeing of UK veterans', International Journal of the Legal Profession. 10.1080/09695958.2024.2351875
Collier, W, Olusanya, O, Griffith, G, Knapp, VJ, Šmid, L & Snook, C 2023, 'Legal help-seeking behaviour among veterans: the link between time elapsed in seeking help and legal options to address a legal matter', International Journal of the Legal Profession, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 23-35. 10.1080/09695958.2023.2190897
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