Mr Liam Bird Bachelor of Law (LLB)- Aberystwyth University, Master of Law (LLM)- Aberystwyth University

Part Time Teacher
Department of Law & Criminology
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 445, Penbryn Building 5
- Personal Pronouns: They/Them
I have been studying at Aberystwyth University since 2017. While at the University I have taken part in a wide collection of extra curricular activities, such as presiding over the Debating Union as well as working on the department's Veterans Legal Link project and the Family law clinic.
I have also been both the head of training and outreach at the Mooting Society and often take part in events run by them.
I am currently the Westlaw representative and a part time teacher within the department.
My PHD is focused around the examination of the role of juries and magistrates in the modern legal system, exploring whether they are 'fit for purpose.'
Additional Information
As well as my work within the department I am a freelance writer and regularly author documentary-lite style productions reaching views in the hundreds of thousand.
For a full list of publications, including the written format of the below videos please visit
YouTube Publications (Law & Criminology relevant)
Bird, L. 'Into the Shadows: The Bali 9.' (Whistler, S (ed))
Accessible via the Into the Shadows YouTube channel:
Uploaded on March 10th, 2022
Bird, L. 'MegaProjects: The International Criminal Court.' (Whistler, S (ed), Da Silva, J (ed), Trujillo, L C (ed))
Accessible via the MegaProjects YouTube channel:
Uploaded on March 2nd, 2022.
Bird, L. 'The Casual Criminalist: Derrick Bird one of the worst mass shootings in British history.' (Whistler, S (ed), Da Silva, J (ed))
Accessible via the The Casual Criminalist YouTube Channel:
Uploaded on April 12th, 2022.
Bird, L. 'The Casual Criminalist: Columbine mass murder at high school.' (Whistler, S (ed))
Accessible via the The Casual Criminalist YouTube Channel:
Uploaded on August 9th, 2022.
Seminar Teaching in Criminal Law (LC10520)
Seminar Teaching in Environmental Law (LC37720)
Seminar Teaching in Labour Law (LC26820)
General Teaching in Legal Skills (LC10420 & LC20420)
Westlaw Representative- Department of Law and Criminology