Prof Lynda Warren

Warren, LM 2023, 'Property rights and marine protected areas', Environmental Law Review, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 234-245. 10.1177/14614529231187745
MACKIE, ANDREWSY, DALES, CLARE, KENT, RMICHAELL, DIXON, DAVIDR, WELLS, RUFUSMG, Warren, L, Rouse, GW (ed.), Lindsay, S & Pernet, B (ed.) 2020, Rodney Phillips Dales: influential annelid researcher, natural historian, editor, artist, gardener and architectural enthusiast (1927–2020). Amgueddfa Cymru Natl Museum Wales, Cathays Pk, Cardiff CF10 3NP, Wales. 10.11646/zoosymposia.19.1.5
Dungan, K, Butler, G, Livens, FR & Warren, L 2017, 'Urqanium from seawater - Infinite resource or improbable aspiration?', Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 99, pp. 81-85. 10.1016/j.pnucene.2017.04.016
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