Dr Megan Talbot LLB (Univeristy of Chester 2014), LLM (Aberystwyth Univeristy) 2015. PhD, (2021) , Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (as of 2023)

Dr Megan Talbot

Lecturer in Law

Department of Law & Criminology

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Associate Lecturer in the department of Law and Criminology. Teaching a variety of modules with focuses on gender, human rights, medical law and disability and media and technology.


Research interests include legal regulation and recognition of gender, gendered outcomes in the legal system, LGBT people in the legal system, disability and the law and AI and the law, particularly with regard to impact on equalities.

My PhD investigated international approaches into legal recognition of intersex people and those with nonbinary gender identities. 


Departmental Societies Liaison, Equality Champion (department of law and criminology), Convener of the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Research Group (Aber Gender), Member of the Generative AI advisory group, Departmental disability and welbeing coordinator.