Mr Richard Ireland

Ireland, RW 2023, Imagination and the Colonial Challenge to English Legal Historiography. in English Law, the Legal Profession, and Colonialism: Histories, Parallels, and Influences. Taylor & Francis, pp. 205-218. 10.4324/9781003315926-13
Ireland, RW 2022, 'HISTORIA PRAWA HISTORII PRAWA W ANGLII I WALII: A LEGAL HISTORY OF LEGAL HISTORY IN ENGLAND AND WALES', Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica, vol. 99, pp. 99-111. 10.18778/0208-6069.99.07
Ireland, R 2019, The Law. in I Johnson (ed.), Geoffrey Chaucer in Context. Cambridge University Press, pp. 259-265. 10.1017/9781139565141.031
Ireland, R 2017, "A Nonconformist must be Chief Constable": The Historical Challenges of Policing Wales. in K Stevenson, DJ Cox & I Channing (eds), Leading the Police: A History of Chief Constables 1835-2017. 1 edn, Routledge SOLON Explorations in Crime and Criminal Justice Histories, Taylor & Francis, pp. 109-124.
Ireland, R 2017, Wales, Crime and Punishment. in J Turner, P Taylor, S Morley & K Corteen (eds), A Companion to the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Bristol University Press, pp. 275.
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