Dr Scott Tompsett

Dr Scott Tompsett

Lecturer (Student Academic Support & Progression)

Department of Life Sciences

Contact Details


Scott rejoined the Department of Life Sciences in August 2023 having completed a PhD in marine Bryozoan phylogeography in 2010. In the past decade he has been involved in post-doctoral research looking for population specific genetic markers in the Atlantic Salmon (SALSEA Merge) and worked as a secondary school Biology teacher across West Wales.

Scott returned to Aberystwyth university in 2018 working on the WEFO funded school outreach project Trio Sci Cymru. In this role he developed of a range of face to face and interactive online resources based on Aberystwyth University research. This was followed by a period working as a Project Manager and International Development Officer in Research Business and Innovation before being appointed as lecturer in DLS.

As a lecturer responsible for academic support and progression he is involved in the development of student support materials, workshops and activities for students arriving from a diverse range of different educational backgrounds. .


Module Coordinator

Undergraduate Modules

BR16620 - Climate and Climate Change

MSc Modules

BRM00020 - Fundamentals of Biodiversity


Module Coordinator 

BR16620 Climate and Climate Change


Verspoor, E, Consuegra, S, Fridjonsson, O, Hjorleifsdottir, S, Knox, D, Olafsson, K, Tompsett, S, Wennevik, V & Garicia de Leaniz, C 2012, 'Regional mtDNA SNP differentiation in European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): an assessment of potential utility for determination of natal origin', ICES Journal of Marine Science, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 1625-1636. 10.1093/icesjms/fss029
Fridjonsson, O, Olafsson, K, Tompsett, S, Bjornsdottir, S, Consuegra, S, Knox, D, Garcia de Leaniz, C, Magnusdottie, S, Olafsdottir, G, Verspoor, E & Hjorleifsdottir, S 2011, 'Detection and mapping of mtDNA SNPs in Atlantic salmon using high throughput DNA sequencing', BMC Genomics, vol. 12, 179. 10.1186/1471-2164-12-179
Tompsett, S, Porter, JS & Taylor, PD 2009, 'Taxonomy of the fouling cheilostome bryozoans Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston) and Schizoporella errata (Waters)', Journal of Natural History, vol. 43, no. 35-36, pp. 2227-2243. 10.1080/00222930903090140
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