Dr Saffron Passam

Dr Saffron Passam

Lecturer in Psychology (Responsibility for Placement and Study Abroad)

Department of Psychology

Contact Details


Saffron Passam is a lecturer who specializes in the field of social/occupational psychology and is responsible for employability in the department. In terms of teaching, Saffron co-ordinates the organisational behavior module at level 1 and placement module at level 2. She is also responsible for year-in-industry and study abroad schemes. Saffron graduated with a 1st Class Honours degree in Psychology (Bsc) and holds a PhD from Aberystwyth University entitled ‘The role of learning and identity is students’ engagement with employability practices in higher education: A mixed methods approach’. She is a Fellow of the HEA (FHEA) and has a Post-Graduate Teaching Qualification (PGCTHE).

Saffron is interested in issues of intersectionality including gender, race, disability, and class. In 2016, She was funded by the Home Office Gender Equality Network to examine the barriers for women from lower socio-economic status backgrounds in aspiring to work in the Civil Service. More recently, Saffron contributed to a successful multi-disciplinary/ multi-agency EPSRC bid that will investigate matters of inclusion in academia. She is an active member of the Centre for Critical Psychology at Aberystwyth and her work challenges notions of meritocracy and makes visible the potential for troubled and unequal practices in organisational systems which otherwise hold a commitment to equality.


Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 11.00-13:00
  • Thursday 13:00-14:00


Möller, C, Passam, S, Riley, S & Robson, M 2023, 'All inside our heads? A critical discursive review of unconscious bias training in the sciences', Gender, Work, and Organization. 10.1111/gwao.13028
Passam, S 2022, Careers Outside of Professional Psychology. in GCL Davey (ed.), The Psychology Student's Guide to Study and Employability. SAGE Publishing, London, pp. 203-232.
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