Dr Victoria Wright
MSc PhD (Swansea)

Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Contact Details
- Email: viw8@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 0.12, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628772
- Research Portal Profile
Please note: The Welsh version of this profile contains additional or more detailed information.
Module Coordinator
- PS21310 - Quantitative Research Methods
- PS21820 - Cognitive Psychology
- SC33140 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer anrhydedd sengl
- SC20720 - Seicoleg Iechyd
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS33240 - Counselling Research Project
- PS20420 - The Psychology of Language
- PS20720 - Health Psychology
- PS21020 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PS21720 - Issues in Clinical Psychology
- PS20620 - Psychology in Practice
- SC21310 - Dulliau Ymchwil Meintiol
- SC33240 - Prosiect Ymchwil Cwnsella
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS21220 - Forensic Psychology
- SC34120 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer cyd-anrhydedd
- PS30620 - Psychology in Practice
- PS31920 - The Psychology of Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
- PS35120 - Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace
- PSS0360 - Work Placement
- PS31520 - Psychology Critical Review
- PS32120 - Behavioural Neuroscience
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- PS31720 - 21st Century Self: Critical and Constructionist Approaches to Contemporary Personhood
- PS34320 - Developmental Psychology
- PS30820 - Drugs and Behaviour
- PS32620 - Psychology of Humour
- PS31820 - Child Language: Development and Assessment
Victoria has experience of teaching and coordination across a range of core undergraduate modules including quantitative research methods, psychobiology and cognition. She also uses her research expertise to deliver a specialist option module in Psycholinguistics to final year undergraduates. Dr Wright also supervises undergraduate dissertations in the broad field of cognitive psychology utilising, a range of research methods, techniques and analyses.
Victoria has wide-ranging experience in conducting psycholinguistic research that draws upon a range of cognitive neuroscience techniques to address key research questions. Work to date focuses on the performance of the cerebral hemispheres during written word recognition, the influence of psycholinguistic variables on reading performance in healthy readers and on the reading performance of brain-injured patients.
Victoria has both national and international research collaborators, including Dr Jeremy Tree (Swansea, UK), Dr Cristina Izura (Swansea, UK), Dr Rhian Worth (University of South Wales, UK), Professor Rhys Jones (Aberystwyth, UK), Dr Jona Sassenhagen (University of Frankfurt, Germany) and Dr Alexander Dröge (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany).Victoria is currently working on research funded by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol that examines the memory performance of Welsh-speakers. In collaboration with Professor Rhys Jones at Aberystwyth, Victoria is also currently exploring how Welsh-English bilinguals make decisions about which language to use to initiate a conversation (funded by Aberystwyth University Research Fund).
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 13.15-14.45
- Tuesday 9.30-10.30