Visualisation Centre, 0.06


What3Words - briefing.never.majors 

0.06 is located on the ground floor of the Visualisation Building (University maps).

Please click the thumbnail to view a full-size image.


Seating capacity: 36

Room type: lecture room

Room area: 65 m² (10m length x 6.5m width)

Blackout curtains


Mobility: fully accessible ground floor room

Hearing: Infrared Hearing Assistance system (What hearing assistance is available in the teaching rooms?)


Enter the building using the main entrance. Turn left and go to the end of the corridor, where you will find room 0.06.


Standard teaching room facilities

1 visual display unit

2 whiteboards with capture

Teaching rooms guide

The Information Services have developed this guide to using the standard teaching equipment in the central teaching rooms - please follow the link to download the Microsoft Word file: Teaching Room Guide 2024-25