Dr Rhun Emlyn BA (Wales), MA (Wales), PhD (Wales)

Department of History & Welsh History
Contact Details
- Email: rre@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 3.04, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622666
- Research Portal Profile
Dr Rhun Emlyn is a medieval historian, with special research interests in ecclesiastical and political history, as well as Welsh history. His current work concentrates on medieval Welsh students, their careers and their influence on European and Welsh society.
Module Coordinator
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HC30120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HP33220 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
- HC20120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HP33120 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HY24620 - Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- HY38820 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HY35720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HYM2020 - England in Context in the Long Thirteenth Century
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HA30340 - Traethawd Estynedig
- HY20120 - Making History
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HP33120 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
- HP33220 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
- HC30120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HC20120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
Dr Rhun Emlyn teaches modules on Welsh history and medieval history, including:
- HY11320 Crisis, Rebellion and Faith: Europe 1000-1517
- HY25820/HY35820 European Society and the Medieval Mind 1200-1500
- WH22220/WH32220 Conflict and Coexistence: Wales from the Normans to Glyndwr
- HYM2820 Gerald of Wales
Rhun Emlyn has research interests in aspects of Welsh history and broader European history in the middle ages, especially ecclesiastical and political history. These include education, mobility and identity. He has a special interest in the relationship of church and politics and how this affected Welsh society by the later middle ages. Rhun's thesis researched medieval Welsh students in the English and continental universities and the careers they followed after their time in education; this study raised issues which relate to a number of fields such as education, church life and politics. His current research focuses on the migration of Welsh clerics into England in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
Part One Tutor
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 15:00-16:00
- Tuesday 16:00-17:00