Dr Yi Li BSc (Fudan), MSc(National University of Singapore), MA(London), PhD(London), FHEA

Department of History & Welsh History
Contact Details
- Email: yil10@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6695-1712
- Office: 3.09, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622211
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=QEkalTYAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Yi Li is a Lecturer in East and South East Asian History at Aberystwyth. She received her Ph.D. from SOAS, University of London in 2012. Prior to joining Aberystwyth, she worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and online learning programme manager at SOAS. Her research interests include colonial and postcolonial history of the Burmese Chinese, Chinese migration and diaspora, and modern East and Southeast Asian history. She was born and raised in Shanghai, and spent years living, studying and working in Singapore and Britain. Before becoming a historian, Yi was trained as a software engineer.
Module Coordinator
- HYM9920 - Working with History
- HY39920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
- HY29920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
- HQ39320 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
- HQ39220 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
- HYM5920 - Borders and borderlands in modern Asia
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- HY24620 - Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions
- PGM3510 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- HYM0020 - Medieval London c. 1200 - 1500
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HQ39620 - The Invisible Empires: The First Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1865-1915
- HY11820 - The Modern World, 1789 to the present
- HA30340 - Traethawd Estynedig
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- HYM0520 - Key Themes in Modern History
- HYM9920 - Working with History
- HQ35620 - The English Reformation, 1558-1648: Consolidation and Conflict
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HY24320 - Interdisciplinary and decolonial history
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- HAM0160 - Traethawd Hir
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HYM6320 - Representations of the Holocaust 1945-2020
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HY25020 - Recounting Racism: Oral History and Modern American Race Relations.
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- WHM1220 - Class and Community in Wales 1850 - 1939
- WHM1060 - Dissertation: Welsh History
- HYM2120 - Latin for Postgraduate Study
- HYM5120 - Concepts and Sources in Heritage Studies
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HQ35020 - The English Reformation, 1520-58: Revolution and Counter Revolution
- HYM2020 - England in Context in the Long Thirteenth Century
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HYM4820 - Research Concepts and Skills
- HCM0160 - Traethawd Hir: Hanes Cymru
- HQ39720 - The Invisible Empires: The Second Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1915-1944
- HY20120 - Making History
- PGM3610 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: Latin for postgraduates
- HYM1220 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- HC11820 - Cymdeithas, Pobl a Gwleidyddiaeth: Cymru, 1800-1999
- HYM6220 - Science, Place and Victorian Culture
- HYM2220 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: advanced Latin reading for postgraduate students
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HY39920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
- HY29920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
- HC23420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HQ33320 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 1
- WH23420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HY20920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HY30920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HQ33420 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 2
- WH33420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HC33420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HQ39220 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
- HQ39320 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
- HY29620 - Germany since 1945
- HY38620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- HY38820 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HY39620 - Germany since 1945
- HP33120 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
- HC30120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HY24120 - Memory, Myth and History: Investigating Medieval Chronicles, c. 1000-1250
- HY27520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- HA28120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HC20120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HY39720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- HA36820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HA38120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HP33220 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
- HY25720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY25920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- HY28620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- HY37520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- HA26820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HY29720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- HA24720 - Gwrando ar Hanes: Y mudiad Hawliau Sifil yn America
- HY28320 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HY35720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY35920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- HYM5920 - Borders and borderlands in modern Asia
- HYM0420 - Collective resistance of peasant communities in twentieth-century Latin America and the Caribbean
- HY39920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
- HY29920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
- HQ39320 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
- HQ39220 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
- HYM5920 - Borders and borderlands in modern Asia
- HYM9920 - Working with History
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Wednesday 13:00-14:00
- Thursday 15:00-16:00
Li, Y 2024, Chinese in Colonial Myanmar. in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Oxford University Press. 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.013.835
Li, Y 2022, A Cantonese Carpenters’ strike in Rangoon, 1922. in C Choi, T Shiroyama & V Viana (eds), Strenuous Decades: Global Challenges and Transformation of Chinese Societies in Modern Asia. vol. 2, Social and Cultural Changes in China, vol. 2, De Gruyter, pp. 121-140. 10.1515/9783110757422-007
Li, Y 2022, The Unsuccessful Development of Southern Burmese Tin Mines in the Nineteenth Century. in D Baillargeon & J Taylor (eds), Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 99-118. 10.5040/9781350257023.ch-004
Li, Y 2021, 'Review of Faithful Fighters: Identity and Power in the British Indian Army', Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 255. 10.1017/S002191182000409X
Chen, L & Li, Y 2021, 'Seeking ‘A Fair Field’ for Women in the Legal Profession: Pioneering Women Lawyers from Burma of 1924-1935', Britain and the World, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 105-127. 10.3366/brw.2020.0356
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