Gregynog Hall. Powys, Wales

8th Centre for Intelligence & International Security Studies Conference on Intelligence

Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th November 2018

University of Wales Conference Centre, Gregynog Hall


The Centre for Intelligence and International Security Studies (CIISS), based at the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, will hold its eighth international conference. This conference is also being generously supported by King’s College London.


Since being established in 2002, scholars, practitioners and commentators have participated in a series of international conferences at Greygynog Hall in Powys. These have promoted the development of an international network and seen the publication of numerous journal issues, article and books.


The themes of the CIISS 2018 will include:

  • The history of intelligence services
  • The First World War
  • Intelligence collection
  • Intelligence analysis
  • Counter-intelligence
  • Domestic intelligence uses
  • Expanding roles and missions
  • Modern intelligence collection and analysis
  • Capabilities and capacity building
  • Technology drivers
  • Cyber security and cyber espionage
  • Researching and teaching intelligence

Given that the conference falls on the centenary of the end of the First World War, CIISS should particularly welcome proposals on the First World War and its legacies. It is CIISS’ intention to publish papers resulting from the conference in a special edition of a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, CIISS will publish at least one edited volume with a leading university press. CIISS is particularly keen to encourage the participation of PhD students and there will be a reduced cost for PhD students attending the conference.


Rates for attendance (*day rates available)

  • The standard cost for attendees is £275 which covers conference fees, full-board accommodation (including all meals) and wine receptions. The rate for retired individuals is £155.
  • The cost for students, which covers conference fees, full-board accommodation (including all meals) and a wine reception, is £145. The rate for postgraduates of affiliated Welsh institutions is £100.

The University's Online Shop is now open for conference registration.  We recommend you reserve your place as early as possible

CIISS Conference 2018 Online Shop

Titles and abstracts of no more than 500 words should reach the Centre by Saturday, 22 September 2018.

Should you wish to attend the conference, propose a paper, or suggest a panel please contact