Dr Charalampos Efstathopoulos
BA University of the West of England MA University of Warwick MPhil University of Oxford PhD University of Warwick

Senior Lecturer in International Politics of the Newly Emergent Powers & the Global Order
Department of International Politics
Contact Details
- Email: che15@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-9822-2239
- Office: 2.09, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622703
- Twitter: @CEfstathopoulos
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=DHsQ9h4AAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Charalampos joined the Department of International Politics in September 2012. He was awarded his PhD at the University of Warwick in 2012 and his thesis examined the diplomacy of India and South Africa in the World Trade Organisation. He is Editor-in-Chief for the International Relations journal.
Module Coordinator
- IQ31620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IQ21620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IQ30320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IQ20320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IPM4620 - Global Politics of Middle Powers
- IPM4620 - Global Politics of Middle Powers
- IQ20320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IQ21620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IQ30320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IQ31620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
Charalampos' research interests focus on the diplomacy of middle powers in international politics. His research examines the strategies of middle powers in international institutions, such as the World Trade Organisation and the United Nations Security Council. He specialises in the foreign policy of states such as Brazil, India and South Africa, and in particular the capacity of these states to act as leaders of the global South and operate as bridge-builders in multilateral negotiations. His research also focuses on the relevance of Global IR theories for understanding the agency of middle powers in the global order.
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Thursday 13.00-14.00
- Friday 14.00-15.00