Dr Angharad James LLB (Aberystwyth University), LLM (Cardiff University), PGCTHE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, PhD (Aberystwyth University)

Department of Law & Criminology
Contact Details
- Email: afj4@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3780-1453
- Office: B17, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622714
- Research Portal Profile
Angharad is a former Aberystwyth University law undergraduate. Angharad also graduated with a Master of Laws (Distinction) from Cardiff University, before returning to Aberystwyth University to continue her doctoral studies. Her doctorate was awarded in the area of domestic commercial law. Angharad is a lecturer in Law in the Department of Law and Criminology at Aberystwyth and teaches through the medium of Welsh and English. She is a keen advocate for the promotion of the Welsh language. She was appointed as the Director of Learning and Teaching for the Department in January 2024.
Module Coordinator
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LC27220 - Company Law
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC27220 - Company Law
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- LC27220 - Company Law
- LC37220 - Company Law
Blackboard Dept Admin
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC36920 - International Law
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- LA13410 - Legal System
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- LC21120 - Tort
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LC30720 - European Law
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- LA30720 - Business Law
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LC20720 - European Law
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LC26920 - International Law
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- LC37220 - Company Law
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC27220 - Company Law
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- LC20820 - Victimology
- LC30820 - Victimology
Attendance Dept Admin
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- LA30720 - Business Law
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC20720 - European Law
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LC30720 - European Law
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- LA13410 - Legal System
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LC26920 - International Law
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LC21120 - Tort
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LC36920 - International Law
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC27220 - Company Law
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- LC37220 - Company Law
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- LC20820 - Victimology
- LC30820 - Victimology
The central theme of Angharad's research is domestic commercial law. She teaches and researches on areas of commercial and corporate law, especially personal property, secured financing, insurance, and corporate insolvency issues.
She has since completed her doctorate ‘An exploration of the legal minefield of retention of title clauses’. The thesis provided a comprehensive critique on the law governing retention of title clauses and explored the conceptual and practical problems for those parties seeking to rely on the clauses under the present regime.
Her current research focuses on corporate insolvency law, examining both the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.
Director of Learning and Teaching
Law Scheme Coordinator
Welsh medium provision co-ordinator for Law