Dr Jennifer Wood

Dr Jennifer Wood

Senior Lecturer in Spanish

Department of Modern Languages

Contact Details


Module Coordinator


Boyle, C (ed.), Tarlton, J (ed.), Cordone, L (ed.), Medina Cordova, L (ed.), Ramos, ML (ed.), Lisoni, N (ed.), Malvido, A, E.L.D.A., G, Di Toto, V, Gilabert, L, Zappacosta, G, Quiroga, C, Marina, N, Gundesen, P, Timossi, J, Villar Rojas, S 2022, Conexión inestable: Testimonio de una pandemia: Play translated: Un encuentro. Editorial de la FFyL, Argentina.
Wood, J 2021, Promoting Inclusive Practice: Video CVs as a Teaching & Learning Tool in the Language Classroom. in J Domenech, P Merello & E de la Poza (eds), 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). International Conference on Higher Education Advances, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, pp. 753-761. 10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13088
Wood, J 2020, Socrative in the language classroom: Tackling classroom anxiety and encouraging participation. in HEAd 2020 - 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. International Conference on Higher Education Advances, vol. 2020-June, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, pp. 1181-1189, 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd 2020, Valencia, Spain, 02 Jun 2020. 10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11231
Wood, J 2019, Signifying the Nation: (In)Communication, Absence and National (Be)Longing in Marc Evans’s Patagonia (2010) . in B le Juez & B Richardson (eds), Spaces of Longing and Belonging: Territoriality, Ideology and Creative Identity in Literature and Film. Brill, pp. 210-231.
Wood, J, Kelly, L & Pusse, T-K (eds) 2017, Gender. Nation. Text: Exploring Constructs of Identity. Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies / Estudios Culturales / Études Culturelles, vol. 55, vol. 55, LIT, Berlin .
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