
As I study French and Spanish, I chose to split my year abroad and spend 7 months in Gisors, Normandy, France and 3 months in Malaga, Spain.

During my time in France I taught English as a language assistant through the British Council programme. It was an invaluable experience even though I knew beforehand that I didn’t want to teach, it gave me an insight into how much English is taught and learned by students in France and I was surprised – both pleasantly surprised and shocked at times! I worked 12 hours a week (very easy!) and taught students from 16 to 20, we always had lots of fun in the classroom especially with tongue twisters which guaranteed that everybody would be cracking themselves up with laughter, and then it was my turn to try a French tongue twister – the task they set me every week! France is brilliant for travelling, transport is unbelievable cheap and generally fast!

During my year abroad the most important lessons I learnt were about myself, I learnt that at times I had to stand up for myself and I learnt that it doesn’t matter where you are or how well you speak the language the most important thing is to make friends and not let the little things get you down. It’s your opportunity, make the most of it!
Vicky Russell