
Overview of the town of nantes

Although Joint Honours students typically split their year evenly between the languages I was recommended to spend longer in Germany because of starting German as a beginner in the first year.
I spent several months in France working as a waitress in Nantes, a beautiful and historical town in Brittany and finished my time off by exploring the east coast of France with a close friend.
In choosing to study two semesters in Germany I knew there would be adequate opportunity to continue with French classes. I met many native French speakers too, as the university attracts an incredible number of foreign students, and in my final year I could see that my French hadn’t suffered by my spending more time in Germany.
The year abroad assured me that I can be equally at home living on the continent as here in Britain and I fully intend to return there to work. And the improvement in both languages was such that I now feel truly confident using French or German in almost any situation; in the bank or with a lecturer and in heated debates with friends. Some of the people I met will certainly remain lifelong friends for me and I know I will always feel at home when I return to the towns I lived in.

Ruth Madder