Centre for European Studies ‘EuroFunDay’

03 May 2011
The Centre for European Studies at Aberystwyth University is hosting a ‘EuroFunDay’ on 12 May 2011 between 10.00 and 14.30 in the Aberystwyth Arts Centre to celebrate Europe Day. The idea of Europe Day is to bring Europe closer to its citizens and ‘‘EuroFunDay’’ aims to raise awareness about the European Union by offering the opportunity for the community to learn more about the place of Wales in Europe.
The event, sponsored by the European Commission Office in Wales and organised by the students from the Centre for European Studies, will provide free events in the Arts Centre, including music, information stands, photography exhibition, and talks by the Centre for European Studies and the European Union Commission, a European Quiz and a free film screenings. The Arts Centre will also be providing a European themed menu during the day.
Dr Elena Korosteleva, Director of the Centre for European Studies, said “The European Union affects our lives on a daily basis; however we are largely unaware of the benefits of membership. For example the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 1992 afforded protection and promotion of the Welsh language as a historically and ethnically important European language; likewise Ceredigion generally and the University specifically benefits directly from EU grant and contract funding for economic development and research projects.”
Athina Gkouti, PhD student in the Department of International Politics said “The European Union has brought stability to Europe and since 1945 the main countries of Europe have co-operated peacefully for economic and social benefit. It is amazing to think that I live in a community of 500 million where I am free to travel, study and work without limits. ‘EuroFunDay’ celebrates this achievement and gets people thinking about what being a European citizen is really about”.
The event starts at 10.00 with an official opening. The Arts Centre Cinema will be screening free information films during the day, with information stalls in the Main Arts Centre Foyer. These stalls will demonstrate the ranges of activities available within the University that have a European focus. Entertainment will be provided by local group ‘Chocolat’ will play two concerts to accompany the European themed menu. Mr Andy Klom, Head of the European Commission Office in Wales will address the audience at 12.00 with a talk ‘Europe Day 2011: Why Europe is still such a great idea’, and at 14:00 a free screening of the film ‘‘Goodbye Lenin!’ will be shown in the cinema.
EuroFunDay is a free event open to students, staff and visitors to the University. All are welcome.
Europe Day
Europe Day is held annually on 9 May to celebrate the anniversary of the "Schuman Declaration", which in 1950 saw the beginning of what is now the European Union. However, Aberystwyth University will be celebrating ‘EuroFunDay’ on 12 May 2011 to coincide with the annual EuroVision song contest!
Centre for European Studies
The Centre for European Studies is a cross-departmental and multi-disciplinary research-led learning centre focusing on the study of further European integration and Europe’s relations with the outside world. Originally founded in 1996, the CES became a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in 2000 after receiving official recognition by the European Union. At the time, the Jean Monnet Centre was the only such Centre in Wales, and one of a select few in the UK. In 2010 it was decided to re-launch the Centre with a vision of ‘creating leaders for Europe’s future through world-class learning’.
It is currently hosted by the Department of International Politics and is largely student-run.
The key aim of the CES is to develop excellence, through innovative teaching, research and continuing professional development in the areas of International Politics, Geography and Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, European Languages, Law and Criminology, History, Management and Business and any other discipline with a European focus.