Aber-Bangor Varsity

Aberystwyth University team captains with Varsity trophy.
10 February 2012
The Aberystwyth-Bangor Varsity sees 30 teams competing in 32 fixtures covering a number of sports from octopush and ultimate frisbee through to more traditional sports of rugby, football, table tennis and fencing.
In its fifth year, the title has always been retained by the home side with Aberystwyth University currently holding the trophy for 2011 as they travel to Bangor to compete for the title of 2012 Varsity champions.
Alun Minifey, Activities Officer at Aberystwyth University Guild of Students commented: “Close to 400 students will travel from Aberystwyth to Bangor on Saturday and will compete in a range of sports matches. Aber teams will be aiming to keep hold of the Varsity trophy and, for the first time, take the trophy away from the home side!
“There are a variety of inter-collegiate competitions and events which are arranged between Welsh universities throughout the academic calendar; however the Varsity competition is rapidly becoming one of the most popular and highly contested titles!”
Ms Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student and Staff Services said: “Aberystwyth and Bangor have a strong working relationship which is further strengthened by the recently announced Strategic Alliance. Whilst we are eager to continue in broadening and deepening our partnership which covers a range of academic and service areas, I would like to wish the Aber teams all the best during these friendly competitions and sincerely hope that we manage to retain the Varsity trophy!”