Celebrating the success of the Strategic Alliance

Professor April McMahon, Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University and Professor John Hughes, Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University
04 December 2013
Today, 4 December 2013, the Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities Strategic Alliance will be celebrated at the Senedd.
The event, sponsored by Elin Jones AM and Alun Ffred Jones AM, brings together Assembly Ministers, Members, policy makers and stakeholders to learn about the collaborative work undertaken by both institutions.
Two years since the launch of the Alliance, the event provides an opportunity to showcase some of the projects and initiatives pursued jointly by the Universities.
Speaking ahead of the event, Professor April McMahon, Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University said: “Bangor and Aberystwyth are two proudly independent universities, with their own histories, visions and strategies. One of the aspirations we share, however, is to work together when doing so provides genuine mutual benefit. The Strategic Alliance gives us a framework for collaboration, and the freedom to choose when to use it. It’s an Alliance of choice, based on mutual respect and on business advantage.”
The Alliance has collaborative actions in Environmental Sciences, English, History, Welsh, Creative Studies, History and Welsh History, Estates, Careers and Employability, Academic Quality, Internationalisation, Research and Enterprise support, Communications, Planning, Registries, Human Resources, and the Students’ Unions. The Executive teams of both Institutions are closely involved, monitoring, leading and encouraging the partnership activity.
In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, Aberystwyth and Bangor have submitted two joint returns in the vital areas of environmental sciences and agriculture, representing 23% of the Universities’ submitted staff. The success of the Alliance is also demonstrated through the joint leadership of the Natural Resources Network for Wales, a £7m programme trading on the fact that Aberystwyth is in the top 15 for BBSRC funding and Bangor is in the top 15 for NERC funding
Professor John Hughes, Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University comments: “It is good to see that both Universities continue to gain advantages from the partnership, as the joint REF submissions illustrate. Of course, we also have a range of other collaborations with a range of institutions both in the UK and internationally, and they are all vital to our future success. Bangor will continue to work with Aberystwyth when there are benefits for both universities, and the experience we’ve gained by working together has proved invaluable for the development of future partnerships around the world.”
Guests at the event will be addressed by the Minister for Education and Skills, Huw Lewis AM, together with the sponsoring Assembly Ministers and the Vice-Chancellors from Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities. The successes of the Alliance will be illustrated by project demonstrations and displays.
Individuals wishing to attend today’s event at the Senedd should contact Chris Drew: 01248 383611/07872418810.
Photographs: High resolution photographs will be available on request, pleaseĀ contact Chris Drew for details.
Aberystwyth Bangor Strategic Alliance
The Strategic Alliance between Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities builds on a history of collaborative activities between the two institutions and on the successful HEFCW funded £10.9m Research and Enterprise Partnership which was established by the two universities in 2006.
The Universities are collaborating across a broad range of their activities to oversee the development, delivery and growth in the Alliance. Recent developments include joint strategies in Teaching and Learning, Innovation and Engagement, Widening access and regional planning process.