Aberystwyth University academics awarded £2.1 million

Professor Peter Midmore
17 December 2013
Professor Peter Midmore of the School of Management and Business at Aberystwyth University is leading a £2.1 million project to investigate how scientific research on agriculture affects the economy, society and the environment in Europe.
Together with nine partners across Europe and Aberystwyth University colleagues, Professor Andrew Henley and Dr Maria Plotnikova, he will coordinate the IMPRESA (The Impact of Research on EU Agriculture) project over the coming three years.
Professor Midmore explains, “It has long been recognised that both public and commercial investment in research on agriculture has positive effects on farm productivity. Less is known of its effects on farm structure and surrounding rural communities.
“The project will also consider how research can help businesses, both in farming and along the food chain, to cope with likely reductions in public subsidies. A careful analysis of current overall agricultural research spending and objectives will be carried out, and wide-ranging case studies of individual innovations will examine their impacts.”
The EU’s budget for agricultural research is set to double over the coming years compared with the period 2009-2013. Conclusions from the study will help shape future agricultural research policy in Europe.
Professor Midmore added “I am very pleased that Aberystwyth University has been awarded this prestigious project. Agricultural science plays a key role in developing the University’s income and reputation.
“Based on our longstanding tradition of evaluating policy impacts, with our partners we are looking forward to providing evidence that will improve the effectiveness of future European agricultural research funding.”
Professor Midmore leads the Economics Group in the School of Management and Business based at Aberystwyth University’s Llanbadarn Centre.
He has been researching agricultural and rural economic issues for over 30 years and has recently concluded studies on the marketing of organic products and the business impacts of the tolls on the Severn Crossings into Wales.