Beach Lab at the Bandstand - Meet the Robots

Stephen and Tomos from the Abersywtyth Robotics Club
15 June 2016
On Saturday 18 June between 10am and 4pm, the Beach Lab will once again return to Aberystwyth Bandstand providing an opportunity for members of the public to ‘Meet the Robots’.
During the day members of Aberystwyth Robotics Club, an after school club for 11-18 year olds, hosted by Aberystwyth University, will be show casing their current projects including ‘InMoov’ a 3D Printed Humanoid Robot.
Visitors will have the opportunity to discover more about robotics expertise at Aberystwyth University with the Department of Computer Science’s Intelligent Robotics Group displaying sailing and all terrain robots. There will also be the chance to see interactive entertainment robots at the Bandstand during the day.
Technician Stephen Fearn, from the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University said: “We are delighted that the Beach Lab is returning for another year and we look forward to meeting those who stop by to find out more about our robots. Members of the public will get an opportunity to drive a robot themselves.”
Further along the seafront at the Old College, there will also be the opportunity to enjoy other activities as part of the Community Day at the Old College between 10.30am -3.00pm.
Visitors can experience a ‘Journey through the Solar System’ in the ‘pop-up’ 360 Planetarium, with four free showings during the day. ‘Researchers of the Future’ will be discussing their postgraduate research projects and a display of clothing from the University archive including ceremonial gowns, caps, and blazers will be exhibited in the Quad. Visitors will be able to discover more about the history of the Grade 1 Listed Old College with a talk and guided tours forming part of the day’s programme. All activities are free and open to all.
A full programme of activities throughout the day can be found here.