Aberration at Aber First Awards

The Aberration team. From left: Helen Sandler Organiser, Ruth Fowler Organiser, Kedma Macias singer, Lisa Smith Musician, Jane Hoy Organiser, Mike Parker performer, Tom Marshman performer, Leonie Campbell Performer
28 June 2016
LGBT arts night Aberration - run by Ruth Fowler, HR officer at Aberystwyth University and business partners the Arts Centre and Spring Out - has been nominated for the Arts Award at the Aber First Awards Ceremony.
Aberration are regular and successful LGBT themed events that take place in the community at Aberystwyth Arts Centre and other locations in the University.
The aim of the events, which take place three to four times a year, is to make a positive impact both on the University and the local community. The activities associated with Aberration contribute to society in many ways including community involvement in a new social event especially in terms of its organisation.
The events support and promote local arts and businesses, and although LGBT themed, the events are open to all with a percentage of the money raised going to LGBT Charities.
The events not only raise money for charity, they also provide work placements for volunteers and promote the Welsh language and bilingualism.
More recently, Aberration has started to work in partnership with Natural Resources Wales, who have begun to support the events through small awards/grants. The events also promote environmental awareness and green issues alongside LGBT awareness.
"I am delighted that Aberration has been shortlisted for this award. The events draw attention to Aberystwyth as a positive anti-homophobic and anti-discriminatory town. The events also promote the Welsh language, and as a not for profit organisation all contributing artists are paid fairly and equally. I think it is great that an event like Aberration gets this kind of positive recognition," said Ruth Fowler.
The award ceremony for this year’s Aber First Award takes place in the Morlan Centre, Aberystwyth, on Friday 1 July 6-8.30pm.