New Bursary for Aber Students

Students on the Penglais campus of Aberystwyth University
07 November 2016
Aberystwyth University has launched a new bursary for students, thanks to a generous donation from a South African businessman who has made Wales his home.
The main aim of the Rashid Domingo Student Bursary is to help with the maintenance costs of students who show academic promise but who may be deterred from going to University for financial reasons.
After creating a number of scholarships and bursaries in his native South Africa, Mr Domingo was keen to turn his philanthropic interests to Wales and Welsh students help able and deserving candidates to achieve their academic potential.
The award is worth up to £12,000 over three years and is open to applicants for undergraduate courses in IBERS or the Department of Physics who have attended secondary school or college in Wales for a period of at least three years.
The bursary can be used to help pay for accommodation and other living expenses as well as costs associated with studies such as buying books and study-related equipment.
Director of the Development and Alumni Relations Office, Louise Jagger said: “We are deeply grateful to Rashid for his generous gift to our students and to the University. His philanthropy is inspiring, not only in terms of the amount he has donated but also in the ambitions he has to make a difference to the students and departments he is supporting.
“As a university founded on philanthropic support over 140 years ago, Aberystwyth is uniquely privileged to enjoy the continued support of donors as partners and friends and we look forward to sharing the impacts achieved through this award with Rashid and all our supporters.”
Dr Michael Rose is a Senior Lecturer at Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences whose students will benefit from the bursary: “Worries about money are a very important factor for many young people in deciding whether to go to university. The Rashid Domingo bursary will enable students who would not have had the advantages of a higher education in Aberystwyth to engage in their studies without having to think about whether they can afford the rent.”