Aberystwyth students appointed Coleg Cymraeg ambassadors

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol ambassadors from Aberystwyth University (from left to right): Emily, Ffion, Aled, Martha and Lowri
29 January 2019
Five Aberystwyth University students have been appointed Ambassadors for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for 2019.
Emily Mary Bennett, Ffion Caryl Evans, Lowri Glyn Jones, Martha Grug Dafydd Morse and Aled Llwyd Jones take up their new posts this month (January 2019) and join a team of 25 from seven universities across Wales.
As Coleg Cymraeg Ambassadors they will work to encourage more prospective students to study part of their degree courses through the medium of Welsh.
They will also represent the Coleg Cymraeg at school visits, UCAS fairs and Eisteddfodau as well as record their experiences in an online blog and on various social media platforms.
Llais y Llysgennad will give a snapshot of the ambassadors’ lives through pictures, videos and much more.
The Coleg Cymraeg blog can be found here and pictures of the ambassadors will be available on the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s website.
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with universities across Wales to develop Welsh language medium opportunities for students.
It funds Welsh medium lecturers and offers undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships for students to study higher education courses through the medium of Welsh.
For the first time this year, the ambassadors were recruited following an interview as well as an application form.