Examination and assessment changes due to Covid-19 – Aberystwyth University

06 April 2020
Aberystwyth university has announced further changes to examination and assessment arrangements for students in light of the Coronavirus crisis, following discussions with staff and student representatives.
In a joint statement with the Students’ Union, the University has announced a series of further adaptations in order to mitigate the impact on students’ educational progress. They are designed so that students can receive module results, progress in their study schemes, receive award results and, where qualified, attend graduation ceremonies in the future.
The principle of ‘no detriment’ is central to the changes: that students opting to resit who perform less well than the award offered, will still be able to accept the original award.
Last month, the University decided to cancel its campus-based examinations, which are usually held in May, as well as extending coursework deadlines.
Professor Tim Woods, Aberystwyth University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor commented:
“We fully appreciate that this is a particularly difficult time for everyone. It stands to reason that the welfare of our students and staff is our first priority. Following Government advice and our overwhelming concern for our students and staff, we have already cancelled the main campus-based examinations that had been planned in May.
“We developed these further changes following discussions with staff and student representatives. The aim is to ensure that we support our students and staff during these very challenging times, while, simultaneously, maintaining the high academic standards of the University."
Chloe Wilkinson-Silk, the Student’s Union Academic Affairs Officer added:
“We’d like to thank the university for making the student voice a priority at every stage of this process. Its willingness to listen and be receptive to student concerns has been greatly appreciated and should be applauded. I am sure our students will be relieved by this outcome, and pleased to know that the university is doing all it can to help them through these challenging times.”
The University will establish a working group to oversee the situation as it develops and to advise further.
Summary of the Changes to Assessments and Examinations:
Where at least 50% of a student’s module assessment has been completed, the mark will stand for the whole module, unless there are professional accreditation requirements.
Where less than 50% the student’s module assessment has been completed, appropriate alternate assessments for the remaining examination component(s) will be set.
Where no mark is available at all, for example, the assessment did not run, the student’s module will be deemed to have been passed for progression purposes but will not count for accreditation purposes
Degrees will be classified where at least two thirds of the credits required have been passed. Results based on incomplete assessment will be presented as indicative degree classes which students will be able to:
a) accept and graduate, results will then be final
b) wait for marks to become available or,
c) resit affected modules before receiving the degree
Students’ decisions will be made on the basis of ‘no detriment’: that students opting to resit who perform less well than the award offered, will still be able to accept the original award.
Normal progression rules will apply
More Information
Questions and Answers for Students
Principles and Policy - Assessment and Examination Changes due to Covid-19