Dr Alison Mackiewicz
PhD (Bath), BSc Research Methods in Psychology (Southampton), BA (Hons) (Winchester), Dip.TA Practice

Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Contact Details
- Email: alm53@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 0.13, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621919
- Twitter: @AlisonAlm53
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: she/her
Dr Alison Mackiewicz has a PhD from Bath University, and joined the Psychology department at Aberystwyth in 2013. Alison is a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society; she is also a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and a member of the UK Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA). During her time at Aberystwyth, Alison gained a Post-Graduate Teaching qualification (PGCTHE) and is a fellow of the HEA. Alison has teaching experience in a range of areas, including qualitative research methods, applications of psychology, psychology in practice, and more recently, in counselling and psychotherapy. Her research interests primarily lie in alcohol consumption, gender, mental health and wellbeing.
Additional Information
Graduate member of BPS (MBPsS)
BPS Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol)
BPS Associate Fellow (AFBPsS)
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FEA)
Member of UKATA
Registered member of BACP, including the counselling directory
Counsellor & Psychotherapist specialising in Transactional Analysis
Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) trainer
Module Coordinator
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- SC33240 - Prosiect Ymchwil Cwnsella
- PS11610 - Designing Psychological Research Projects
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
- SC33140 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer anrhydedd sengl
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- SC34120 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer cyd-anrhydedd
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PS33240 - Counselling Research Project
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS11520 - Applications of Psychology
Course Viewer
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
Alison's research interests are in the areas of identity, such as gender and embodiment; alcohol and drug use; vulnerability and stigmatization; mental health and wellbeing, using different therapeutic approaches; qualitative research methods, including discourse analysis and visual methods.
As part of her PhD research she explored how femininities are taken-up, reworked and resisted within the dominant discourses of agency and consumer-oriented subjectivity; intersecting with issues of sexuality, gender, power and class, her research documents the lived-experience of women's negotiations of sexiness and alcohol consumption in the twenty-first century.
Research project involvement:
investigating older women's (50+) experience of sexual relationships and sexual health care services in rural Wales.
interviewing men and their partners about the influence of male uro-genital cancer on their lives and relationships, and the ways in which they have coped with these challenges.
investigating the needs and requirements of people living in Ceredigion regarding their wellbeing and mental health.
investigating sustainable upland management in a rapidly changing physical and socio-economic environment.
C843 Psychology with Counselling Degree Scheme Coordinator
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Wednesday 12.00-13.00
- Thursday 10.00-12.00