1.64, Penbryn

What3Words - calendars.fewer.given 

1.64 is located in the Penbryn 5 building on Penglais campus. You will find this building at the top of the hill beyond Penbryn TaMed Da and across the road from the Parry Williams TFTS Building (University maps).


Seating capacity: 30

Room type: lecture room

Room area: 49 m² (7.5m length x 6.5m width)

Blackout blinds


Mobility: PEEP* required

Hearing: Induction Loop Hearing Assistance system (What hearing assistance is available in the teaching rooms?)

*Users with mobility concerns are advised to arrange a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) with the Health, Safety & Environment Office (hse.office@aber.ac.uk), as there is no level route of egress to and from this room.


1.64 is situated on the first floor of the Penbryn 5 building. Take the stairs from the main foyer to the first floor. You will find this room at the far end of the corridor to the left of the stairs.


Standard teaching room facilities (no adjustable lighting)

1 visual display unit

4 whiteboards

Teaching rooms guide

The Information Services have developed this guide to using the standard teaching equipment in the central teaching rooms - please follow the link to download the Microsoft Word file: Teaching Room Guide 2024-25